Understanding the Difference Between Braces and Retainers

difference between braces and retainers

The two appliances that will do the job of keeping our teeth straight and healthy are retainers and dental braces for adults. While they appear to be very much alike, almost twins to one another, they both have really different roles. So let us dive in with regard to what part each plays and how they help our teeth.

What are Braces?

Orthodontists use appliances called braces to straighten teeth. Basically, they consist of quite a number of parts, which include:

  • Brackets: They are small squares that are bonded to the front of each tooth.
  • Archwire: The thin metal wire running through the brackets serves to provide pressure to the teeth, moving them.
  • Bands: Metal rings are put around the back teeth in order to hold the braces in place.
  • Elastics (Rubber Bands): Small rubber bands connect to the archwire and attach to the brackets, working to move the teeth.

Braces work on teeth because of the steady pressure applied, moving them slowly into the right position. This may run into several months down the line to a few years, depending on how much the teeth may need to be moved.

Types of Braces

The metal brace types are the most commonly encountered braces. They are constructed from high-grade stainless steel and are today much smaller with more comfort compared to older designs.

  1. Ceramic Braces: These function in the same manner as metal ones do but are made of a see-through or tooth-coloured substance. They are less conspicuous as compared to the standard metal braces.
  2. Lingual Braces: These are fixed behind the teeth, thus completely invisible from the front view. They work on the same principle as the regular metal ones but can be more cumbersome to clean and a bit uncomfortable, at least during the initial period of wearing them.
  3. Invisalign: They are nearly invisible—the see-through plastic fits over teeth just like an ultra-thin mouthguard. They can be taken off for eating and cleaning, but need to be on the teeth most of the day.

In case you are not able to figure out which type of braces will be most suitable for your dental condition, you should book a braces consultation near you right away.

What are Retainers?

Retainers hold the teeth in the right position. You may already know that teeth can easily slide back into the wrong position if they are corrected to the right position. Retainers make sure that they stay in the proper position.

Types of Retainers

  1. Fixed retainers: These are wires glued to the back of the teeth. They are always in place, and their nature is non-removable.
  2. Removable retainers: These can be removed while one is eating or cleaning teeth. Usually made up of plastic, and in some cases, a metal wire may pass in front of the teeth.

Why do We Need Retainers?

When the braces are removed, some time is allowed for the tissues and surrounding bone to reorganize around the teeth in their new position. Retainers hold the teeth in the correct place while the tissues and bones readjust. Teeth may return to the pre-braces position if a retainer is not in use.

How to Take Care of Braces and Retainers

For Braces:

  • Brush and Floss Regularly: The teeth should be clean. Braces easily trap food, which can be a breeding ground for cavities and gum problems.
  • Avoidable Foods: These are the sticky and hard foods that may snap off the braces. Gum, popcorn, and hard candy are some of the things to avoid as much as possible.
  • Checkups: You need to opt for orthodontics near you after regular intervals to check that the braces are working perfectly and to adjust those settings that are required.

For Retainers:

  • Clean daily: Just like the braces, retainers should be cleaned daily. Gently brush while in your mouth or soak them in a product designed for cleaning these appliances specifically.
  • Handle with Care: Being fragile, retainers can break and get lost easily. Retainers must be kept in cases when not worn in the mouth.
  • Follow Instructions: Wear the retainer per the given instructions by the dentist near you. It will hold the teeth in place in the new position.

Atlas Dental Centre Offers Braces and Retainers

Other orthodontic implements include brackets and retainers. They all work differently. In most cases, the braces will move your teeth into the right position while the retainers see to it that they remain in the same position. Each one of them needs proper care and regular checkups so that they stay in the right shape for that great smile on your face.

Knowing what sets them apart will actually provide the reason why these things can work together to give a person a healthy and pleasant smile. Whether you are in braces or wearing a retainer, remember that this tool is just part of your journey to perfect teeth. So, be patient and consult our dentist in SW Calgary at Atlas Dental Centre to get the optimum result.

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